Saturday, December 19, 2009

Snow and lots of it

Got the rad shot with our new camera that has a timer that we can work. I love my family so much. God blessed me with a wonderful husband, father and kids. I love my Chrissy Cannon (He LOVES when I call him that) and my wild boys. I wouldn't have it any other way!
Sledding when it was first coming down.


Noah making a snow angel

Yesterday we got our first taste of winter. The boys loved it this year. We were so glad. All the years past they didn't like it at all. It started sleeting at 8am yesterday and we kicked it out to Wal-mart to get a few supplies. They were out of snow boots for the boys so they wore their rain boots and we got some long socks for them, Scott some boots and me some pink 1995 boots to go with my ultra ugly ensemble of a green coat, black pants and a green head band. I bet we got at least 6inches. It snowed all day. It was beautiful coming down. We took the boys sledding, made snow balls, and Scott pulled them around the neighborhood yesterday. Riding in the sled all around the neighborhood was by far their favorite. That was always my favorite thing when I was little. We also made some delicious snow cream. Slurped it right up.

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