Thursday, December 17, 2009

Decorating Cookies

Owen with a thumbs up and looks like shooting us a bird. No, we did not teach him that. However Scott did teach them to say That's Crap. Can't wait to go to school and us that one. There is no hope here!!
Noah after decortaing a cookie

Owen getting down to business. His 2 nicknames now are cookie monster and Dennis the Menace

Noah the bandit.. can you see what I see...
Last night we tried to decorate cookies. I struggled rolling out the dough after having difficulties cooking a ham. It kept sticking to the rolling pin. I am not Martha Stewart by any means. But and A+ for effort. I do think I am a good cook. Just not crafty. Need some semi-homemade stuff like Sandra Lee. HA!HA! Anyway, we had fun and we rolled out the dough and baked them. Took a shower while they cooled outside and then decorated them. That is why we are naked and cannot put many pics on the blog. Jack frost brings out the nakedness in them for some reason.
So far we are having a ton of fun for Christmas. We cannot put any gifts under the tree and there are bare spots on the tree and rearranged ornaments but that is the best. We love to sing Rudolph, Jingle Bells and we wish you a Merry Christmas. We love this time of the year and love making memories and traditions.

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