Thursday, December 17, 2009

It's almost Christmas.. So you know we gotta get sick

Juat chillin by the tree with our Burger King toy. It is a ironman light. They loved it. Thanks Maw-Maw.
Well as always we gotta get sick on or around Christmas. (It is a Cannon tradition since we were born--at 2months we had RSV for Christmas-aka Christmas from hell) Noah started the Holiday season off last Thursday with bronchitis. Then we could tell Owen was getting sick by just not acting like his wild self. For example, we went to K-mart and he didn't even try to get out of the buggy so that was our warning. We go and take a nap and he wakes up with this crazy cough that sounds like a seal. Later we find out it is called stridor. So Sunday morning at 8:20 we go to the Doc after a 102-103 temperature and he has the croup. He was close to being hospitalized with a croup tent but Dr. Spees gave us steroids. (Prednisone). It did bounce him off the wall the first dose but the second 6 hours later was fine. Finally we are better with a little cough mainly when we are outside or doig a lot of physical activity. I really hope we are out of the woods on being sick.

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