Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Big Boy Bed.....

Believe it or not we have made the transition to a bed effective tonight. We went to Ikea yesterday and picked it all out. We couldn't put the actual bed in the car so Scott had to go back this morning. I have never seen such excited kids to get a bed. We thought we would just look and if we did get anything we could wait until Christmas until Scott has extra days off. Heck No!! They made us get it all out as soon as we got home. Then the first thing out of Noah's mouth when he got up was where's my new bed so we had no other choice but to kick it and put them up. (never fear the cribs are up in the play room. I was so nervous but they went to bed. It took less than and hour and they were out. Owen was in Noah's bed at one point and they peed 3 times but so far so good. The rest of the night we will see. I will keep you posted on it. Just say a prayer for me the next 3 nights while Scott works and I am manning it all on my own. We are so proud of them and love them so much. They are just growing up way to fast. I honestly didn't know that last night was my last time putting them to bed in their crib.

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