Tuesday, June 19, 2012

More Beach pics

 Noah won a pet goldfish and its name is Goldie. The crazy fish made it home and we had to go buy a bowl and a friend. So now we have 2 fish: Goldie and Feisty.
 Riding their first roller coaster-the Wiggly Worm. (just barely). They rode about 3 rides and loved it.
 I love this picture of us together.
 Gloomy. This is what we had most of the time we were there. It would sometimes clear later in the afternoon when it was time to eat or do something else. We did get to swim one evening in the lazy river. The pools were cold. So there are very few pics in the pool. Of course it was beautiful and clear the day we left. Nothing like waking each morning to rain. We still had a good time. Did more shopping and eating of course.
 The day we left we finally made it to the beach.



Eating at our favorite place on the way out for home-Hamburger Joe's. We ate there twice.

We had a great rip despite the rainy weather. We shopped, ate, played when we could and most importantly found a BMX/skate shop that we visited 3 times. Anytime there was sun we were there!! It is called North Shore Surf shop/Stability Skate. I have never seen 2 kids have so much fun. Dream come true for them. We will be back!!

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