Tuesday, June 19, 2012


 Owen watching the dvd w/ his new head phones. Thinks he is big and cool.
 Noah doing hte same. They can watch 2 different movies now and we can hear each other or the radio.
 Playing putt-putt at May-day pautt putt. HAd a blast. I think we all got a hole in 1. Go team Cannon!

 Maw-Maw Barbara and Paw-Paw James came down too.
 Going crabing at the march near our hotel in Cherry Grove.


 My feet after crabing and suffering some severe cuts/gashes on my feet.I started sinking in the thick sand/mud and walked to fast and got all cut up.  Had to get a wrap and could not walk well for 2 days.
 This crazy guy put on a show for us. Owen called him Captain Mud. He got all in hte mud and rolled around. Hillarious!!
Chilling outside at Georgios Pizza.

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