Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Right when it got dark.

Boo! Sporting their new masks. Owen is the Scream mask and Noah is Jason. Keep in mind they are scared of them!!

Cannon's by the fire

Noah eating a marsh mellow. Neither one cared for smores.

Owen's well done marsh mellow. He did not eat that one.

Roasting marsh mellows on the one cool day we had recently.

My boys with their tent all set up...

We got to finally use the fire pit 2 weekends ago. We loved it. Scott and I loved making and eating the smores. Yummy! The boys decided to camp out in the back yard. I am not a camper. If I do I will need a camper with air, bed, bathroom and a kitchen. Well in the end it was just Scott and Owen. Noah is a mommy's boy and slept in the house. We watched TV in my bed and he went to his. I was amazed that Owen made it all night long. Scott and Owen told stories. They are growing up too fast on us.

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