Monday, November 15, 2010

Catawba Meadows and the Greenway in Morganton

My 3 favorite boys!!




Owen snacking on some jerky...
We recently went to the Greenway in Morganton. It is one of our favorite places to go and ride and just enjoy our time together. The boys did great for their first time on their new bikes. Man, they are rad on bikes. I will continue to hope for a career in bmx and/or skateboarding. We also ate on the Greenway at Friends. It was awesome food and we got to see a herd (10+) of deer crossing the river. It was so cool. The boys ate that up. Especially Owen the animal lover. We also went to the park their where they climbed on all the ropes. Good food, Good times with my boys. Just what I love!!

1 comment:

Dr. Alfaro said...

Sounds like a great place!

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