Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Boo to You

Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat. We heard that for a month. It paid off b/c they got tons of candy. Scott and I will eat some, give them some and the rest will be taken to work. They love getting a piece out of our big bowl.

Spider man= Owen

Dirt bike man = Noah

Downtown Newton

Scott's masterpiece!!
Since Halloween was on Sunday we had 2 days of costumes and candy. On Saturday we went to Newton and Sunday we went to a trunk or treat and handed out candy at the house for the first time. I think they had more fun handing out candy to trick or treaters than anything. They just loved people coming up to the door. They love any company. Noah was a dirt bike man and Owen Spider man. We got the costumes around the beginning of September and you could tell they had grown taller. We had fun again this year. I think Halloween ranks 2nd to Christmas. So we are ready for the next holiday!!

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