Friday, November 26, 2010

Turkey Day

My awesome family!!!

Owen and Noah and this crazy cat at mom and dads that they adore. They loved on it, played with it and even sang Christmas songs to it. Poor cat was put to the test. It is a good cat. They want a pet so bad but this will do for now.

Camo Noah

Lt Owen

Yesterday we went to my parents for Thanksgiving. I was just glad to finally eat and good food at that. I had an awful bout with the stomach bug for 2 days. I am just glad it is over and I am almost 100%. The silver lining is I lost weight. Scott and I have a lot to be thankful for. I am thankful for:
  1. Scott my wonderful husband
  2. Noah & Owen
  3. My parents
  4. My entire family (in-laws etc)
  5. God/Jesus
  6. Friends
  7. our freedom
  8. my job
  9. health
  10. all the blessings I have received in life

I hope there are many more turkey days and blessings to come to my family and yours!!

Let the Christmas Holiday Begin

Owen had to get down to business without a shirt.

We have go almost everything decorated. (inside and out) They have been asking to put up the tree for about 2 weeks now. So it is up! These two decorated all by themselves. They actually did a good job. Yes, there are a few ornaments bundled together but we will leave it and just be proud of the awesome job they did. I can tell it is going to be a great Christmas. Now they just keep asking for presents to open. They have a while. Here's to a wonderful Christmas holiday season filled with joy, fun and fond memories!!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Catawba Meadows and the Greenway in Morganton

My 3 favorite boys!!




Owen snacking on some jerky...
We recently went to the Greenway in Morganton. It is one of our favorite places to go and ride and just enjoy our time together. The boys did great for their first time on their new bikes. Man, they are rad on bikes. I will continue to hope for a career in bmx and/or skateboarding. We also ate on the Greenway at Friends. It was awesome food and we got to see a herd (10+) of deer crossing the river. It was so cool. The boys ate that up. Especially Owen the animal lover. We also went to the park their where they climbed on all the ropes. Good food, Good times with my boys. Just what I love!!



This past week we were sick. We were due our usual November dose of sickness. They both had the croup and Noah got a bonus ear infection. I feel sure we got it the week before for our 4 year check up. We are both weighing in at 35 lbs. We had to take prednisone. That was an AWFUL experience!! It really messed Noah up. They were wild, not wanting to take a nap, ill and just crazy. I think as of today most of it is out of their system and almost back to normal. Thank goodness!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Boo to You

Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat. We heard that for a month. It paid off b/c they got tons of candy. Scott and I will eat some, give them some and the rest will be taken to work. They love getting a piece out of our big bowl.

Spider man= Owen

Dirt bike man = Noah

Downtown Newton

Scott's masterpiece!!
Since Halloween was on Sunday we had 2 days of costumes and candy. On Saturday we went to Newton and Sunday we went to a trunk or treat and handed out candy at the house for the first time. I think they had more fun handing out candy to trick or treaters than anything. They just loved people coming up to the door. They love any company. Noah was a dirt bike man and Owen Spider man. We got the costumes around the beginning of September and you could tell they had grown taller. We had fun again this year. I think Halloween ranks 2nd to Christmas. So we are ready for the next holiday!!

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