Monday, May 3, 2010

Carolina Raptor Center

Checking out a caterpillar

One of the star vultures

Owen leading the way. No clue to where Noah is. Must be up near me.

The Star
Last weekend we took a trip to the Carolina Raptor Center in Huntersville with my parents. We had a lot of fun. Owen loved holding the map and saying "follow me". The main reason we went was to see the Turkey Vultures. Such an ugly bird but our crazy kids love them. They had owls, eagles and lots of other raptors. My favorite part was going to eat afterwards at Steak & Shake. Love that place.
The trip was just the beginning of over a week of the stomach bug. Noah had a little diarrhea but the day b/f but it went full throttle and he was puking and non stop diarrhea for 6 days. Then Owen got it this past weekend. I have never seen so much poop and puke. Neither I dealw ell with. They are making me tough. I will do everyone the favor of leaving out details. I think we are in the clear as of tonight. Noah got a little dehydrated Wednesday b/c he wasn't eating or drinking much. It started off just diarrhea and not feeling bad and them it just hits you like a brick. All you can do is make them comfy in whatever way. It spooked us pretty good. I do not wish this awful bug on anyone. So we are praying for a much better week!!!

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