Friday, May 14, 2010

Mother's Day

Last week we decided to party in the tub a couple of mornings and give our animals a bubble bath.

Bradley helping Owen make a dirt bike. He and Buzzy put tape and cut up plastic cups to give it the cool dirt bike sound.

Noah and Ivey stick fighting.

Me and Owen on Mother's day

Me and Noah on Mother's Day
I had a wonderful Mother's Day. Most important was no one was sick. The best gift ever. My thoughtful and amazing husband got me a gift card to Rock Barn for a massage. Can't wait. I have been blessed with the most caring and loving husband and father. He makes me feel special and laugh each and every day. I have also been blessed with the best kids in the world. They are loving, wild, dare devilish, and full of personality. It warms my heart when they tell me I am the bestest or you buy the bestest gifts.
We had a cook out that evening at Ninny's. Owen & Noah rode for at least 2 hours on those bikes. They put on a show for everyone. They wake up in the mornings and you never know who they will be for the day. Noah is usually Travis Pastrana and Owen is either Tony Hawk, Ronnie Renner, or Eric Roner.
I am so lucky to have my husband, kids, parents and in-laws to share this wild, fun, fabulous journey with.

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