Friday, January 1, 2010

A very Merry Christmas at Casa Cannon

A family photo that sums it all up I would say. Toboggans, Monster trucks, swords and helmets...

Had to put a little "cheek" in here. That is Noah by the way.. We shaded our pants.

Dad and Noah (one of the few pics of Noah)

The boys helping dig into my presents. They just couldn't' open enough of them They were literally obsessed...

Owen as a Roman

A little glimpse of the mass chaos going on at 7:00am. They really didn't understand what Christmas morning is all about but I feel next year at age 4 they will. We will be up at 5am. They did their normal of getting up around 6am for milk, back to sleep, come in our room around 7 and then the party started!!!



A photo of what it looked like Christmas Eve before we went to bed.
We had a wonderful 2009 Christmas. The main highlight would be the Ford F-150 trucks. They obviously got plenty more too. Noah would not take any pics for us so that is why there are not a lot of him. We were so worn out we took a nap at 10:30am and that was it for the whole day. We all went to sleepy time.

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