Wednesday, January 13, 2010

On New Years Eve we had an official movie night. We finally started eating popcorn all thanks to a trip to Target. We watched the Backyardigans, ate brownies, ate popcorn and had a good time. Yes, the table is out of the kitchen b/c Scott mopped and they loved the table being in the living room and partied down.

Last weekend we went to Hickory Dickory Dock for Christopher's(their #1 hero) birthday. Owen & Noah had fun and I think they wanted all his presents. They had a little hard time understanding it wasn't their b-day but we survived.

Owen on the Harley

Boofy hair Noah just chillin. We are on tap for a haircut on Jan 23.

Wild boyz... Creative kids aren't they or just wild and crazy...
On Sunday we hit a major milestone of our first trip to the movies to see Alvin & the Chipmunks. They did AWESOME!! The first time they made it the entire time. Mostly thanks to popcorn, m&m's, skittles and a big coke. Scott and I couldn't be more proud of them. It gives us something to do in hte cold weather.

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