Friday, January 1, 2010

Christmas at Maw-Maw & Paw-Paw Donald's

Owen being he-man with the race track we are taking back. Too complicated and requires special cars.

Owen and Maw-Maw

Owen & Noah helping Paw-Paw open a box. We really hate how they make it so hard to open toys these days. It is bad when you gotta have a screw driver!

Waiting to get the green light to open up presents.

Christmas afternoon we went to my parents and had fun. We again had great food: My favorite shrimp stuffed potatoes. Noah and Owen had a blast opening gifts this year. They wanted to open everyone's where ever we went. Owen even tore Maw-Maw's gift certificate. Oops. We love the holidays to spend time with family and loved ones.

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