Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Winter time

We have to come up with ideas on what to do on these cold nasty days of winter. We love to paint. As we see we are showing some brotherly love.


2 Goons

Owen- Check out the cool cut near the eye from being wild with the tupperware toy holders. Only here.
We have been trying to work with the boys on their ABC's. There is no interest there. They are smart boys but if it doesn't have anything to do with bikes, dirt bikes. or ramps then just give it up. So we bribe them with prizes or treats. Still a very s-l-o-w process. But we keep hope alive. So this week we gave them a balloon each. As you can see we made big bellies out of them. They said they were Street Bike Tommy from Nitro Circus.
They are growing so much each and every day. Doing things like bathing themselves, talking our heads off or growing out of their pants. We've had some rough spells (of sleep issues getting up numerous times at night and waking up super early as in 5:30am-6:30am. Not cool.) and fighting and hitting. Just brotherly tiffs I guess. Doing better now. But they are also growing so close. They play together, tag team us, and say I want my Owen or I want my Noah. I just hope and pray that they will always be the best of friends.
Even though they wake us up so early and make us mad when they hit we love them more than anything in the world and are so glad to have each and every moment with them. They are our little rays of wild sunshine.


Owen doing his full scale wheelie..


Making Daddy proud and Mommy nervous. This will be the case from here on out. Waiting on our MVP card to the ER!!!

Gotta Let Loose

Danger. got this right off Nitro Circus. Our trikes just aren't nearly as cool as Travis Pastra's. That is their favorite show. We hear about it all day long. They ask about Travis and Street Bike Tommy, where they live and all kinds of other off the wall questions.

We got to go out in the backyard finally. It has been so cold and wet but we broke free and got dirty.

Just yelling and having a good time before bath. It is a ritual we get naked and party down b/f bath. Now matter how cold it is out. It is a nightly must!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

On New Years Eve we had an official movie night. We finally started eating popcorn all thanks to a trip to Target. We watched the Backyardigans, ate brownies, ate popcorn and had a good time. Yes, the table is out of the kitchen b/c Scott mopped and they loved the table being in the living room and partied down.

Last weekend we went to Hickory Dickory Dock for Christopher's(their #1 hero) birthday. Owen & Noah had fun and I think they wanted all his presents. They had a little hard time understanding it wasn't their b-day but we survived.

Owen on the Harley

Boofy hair Noah just chillin. We are on tap for a haircut on Jan 23.

Wild boyz... Creative kids aren't they or just wild and crazy...
On Sunday we hit a major milestone of our first trip to the movies to see Alvin & the Chipmunks. They did AWESOME!! The first time they made it the entire time. Mostly thanks to popcorn, m&m's, skittles and a big coke. Scott and I couldn't be more proud of them. It gives us something to do in hte cold weather.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Monster Trucks

two super cool Monster truck drivers.. Future Travis Pastrana's... That would be cool but I would be stroking out all the time...
me and Owen


What a big hit these have been. We even took them today to Maw-Maw Cassie's, Ninny's and Buzzy's. We had to show them off. It was a little rough in the beginning. Noah was a horrible driver but they both can drive a lot better now. That was the first t hing they asked for when they got up the day after Christmas. We are waiting on some nice warm weather to come so we can enjoy them even more. They are Ford F-150's and they loved calling them their big Dodges. We are working on that one...

A very Merry Christmas at Casa Cannon

A family photo that sums it all up I would say. Toboggans, Monster trucks, swords and helmets...

Had to put a little "cheek" in here. That is Noah by the way.. We shaded our pants.

Dad and Noah (one of the few pics of Noah)

The boys helping dig into my presents. They just couldn't' open enough of them They were literally obsessed...

Owen as a Roman

A little glimpse of the mass chaos going on at 7:00am. They really didn't understand what Christmas morning is all about but I feel next year at age 4 they will. We will be up at 5am. They did their normal of getting up around 6am for milk, back to sleep, come in our room around 7 and then the party started!!!



A photo of what it looked like Christmas Eve before we went to bed.
We had a wonderful 2009 Christmas. The main highlight would be the Ford F-150 trucks. They obviously got plenty more too. Noah would not take any pics for us so that is why there are not a lot of him. We were so worn out we took a nap at 10:30am and that was it for the whole day. We all went to sleepy time.

Christmas at Maw-Maw & Paw-Paw Donald's

Owen being he-man with the race track we are taking back. Too complicated and requires special cars.

Owen and Maw-Maw

Owen & Noah helping Paw-Paw open a box. We really hate how they make it so hard to open toys these days. It is bad when you gotta have a screw driver!

Waiting to get the green light to open up presents.

Christmas afternoon we went to my parents and had fun. We again had great food: My favorite shrimp stuffed potatoes. Noah and Owen had a blast opening gifts this year. They wanted to open everyone's where ever we went. Owen even tore Maw-Maw's gift certificate. Oops. We love the holidays to spend time with family and loved ones.

Cannon Crazies

This is one of our favs. A once in a lifetime pose of Noah, Christopher, Owen and Brie. Christopher is their hero!!

Mass chaos at Maw-Maw Barbara's. Sword fighting, toy switching and great family fun!

Maw-Maw and Brie reading the bible. The boys did listen for a few quick seconds. We had a wonderful time with all the Cannon's and ate some good food.

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