Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Snow Snow and more Snow for Christmas


modeling our new ski bibs

Noah- he loved the snow

Work crew clearing the streets


Wow a white Christmas. Who would have thought??? At our house we had a little over 7 inches. We got the boys finally to where they like it so maybe we can go tubing now. We did get to make some snow cream. My personal favorite. Yesterday was when the fun all went down. We were out there for over an hour sledding and having snow ball fights. It was the best. I love times like these where we all can play and have fun. Noah did whack Owen in the face one good time. Noah would be the snow lover more than Owen. But I am done now with winter and ready for summer. No such luck!!

A Cannon Christmas: Clutter, Chaos and Cheer

Owen and his new cowboy boots that they both wear all the time.

Rock-N-Roll Dudes (camo style)

Getting down to business (Noah)

Slot car race track on the new table.

Christmas Eve.

We had an awesome Christmas again this year. First of all we were all well by Christmas. That was the best gift of all. We blessed this year with love, health, and family time filled with unforgettable memories. We made it until 7:00am to begin the gift opening race. They mainly wanted fire and police stuff htis year. We got too much this year. It is a little hard on the boys. They just get overwhelmed when they get all the new toys at one time. We are all 4 working on that one. We enjoyed the White Christmas and glad we got to see all of our families. They are all so wonderful and we love them all very much. We hope we lead and set a good example for Owen and Noah built on family and love. It was the first Christmas they were truly excited and could go and do and make food and crafts. Loved it. Can't wait for many more.

Christmas at Maw- Maw Cassie's

Owen and his army toy

Their hero Bradley

2 huge gifts with lots of pieces....

Mass chaos.
We had to hurry to Maw-Maw's house on Christmas morning instead of later afternoon due to the snow for our first white Christmas in over 60 years. We made it to and home safely but we were hurried. We still had a great time, cool gifts and great food(my favorite ham and shrimp stuffed potatoes) At least we weren't sick!! Thanks for everything Maw-Maw and Paw-Paw.

Christmas at Maw-Maw Barbara's

A picture I couldn't pass up. 2 crazy kids in the Christmas underwear and Santa hats loving on each other. Priceless!!

Our yearly family portrait at Maw-Maw Barbara's house. 4 cool kids!!!
We had a great time as always. Too much good food!! Thanks for everything (food and gifts)Maw-Maw, Paw-Paw, Amy, Brad, Laura, Brie and Christopher. We had fun!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Still sick

Brotherly love

These 2 crazy kids....
What a rough couple of weeks at the Cannon House. We have been plagued with everything coming and going. In November they both had the croup (round 1), the stomach bug, and Noah had strep and an ear infection (#1 ear infection) . This brings us to December. On Sat we took Owen and he had the croup (round 2) yesterday we took Noah-he had a double ear infection (woke up screaming his ear hurt) and today Owen had to get a breathing treatment at the doctors office and a nebulizer to take home. Plus I have a sinus infection. Lucky us. Poor Owen has a possibility of asthma or a bronchial thing going on. The kid couldn't shake the cough and this morning it was horrible. He coughed non stop from 6:00am-7:15am. I had no clue it would end like this. But we have the best pediatricians office ever!! We love Unifour Peds for all they do. I was on my own for these 2 trips while Scott was working (of course) and I was a quick thinker today and told Owen he was like a fireman or policeman which he loves and he took the nebulizer like a man and we rocked that one and got a treat. Winter is so tough on them. So my Christmas prayer this year especially is for all of us to be healthy!!!

Monday, December 13, 2010



Yesterday we got a surprise snow. They said is it Christmas Eve? How funny. So we had to rush out in our ghetto fabulous clothes and play for 10 minutes. It was so cold. It was too cold for them so it was a quick trip. On our to do list is to get some snow gloves and pants so we can really get down to business and play. Noah tried to make a snow angel in the dusting we got. We are ready for a little more so we can go sledding...

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Christmas lights and a carriage ride

The family taking our annual carriage ride in Morganton. We try to do this each year. We also go eat and go see all the Christmas lights in Morganton.

Cold chillin waiting on the carriage ride.

Looking at the Christmas lights at J. Iverson Riddle on Friday night in the van. We let them "stay up late". We were out late and came home and played and finally went to bed about 10. All things considered they hung in there.

Loving the carriage ride!! They did great sitting beside each other. Sometimes it can be a bit scary. Someone makes the other mad and war breaks out fast!! But there was peace that night!!

Scott and the boys looking crazy!! We had a wonderful time and look forward each Christmas to this. It is fun making our own family traditions. Now, if we can just get them to wait 12 more days on the presents we will be doing great!!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Turkey Day

My awesome family!!!

Owen and Noah and this crazy cat at mom and dads that they adore. They loved on it, played with it and even sang Christmas songs to it. Poor cat was put to the test. It is a good cat. They want a pet so bad but this will do for now.

Camo Noah

Lt Owen

Yesterday we went to my parents for Thanksgiving. I was just glad to finally eat and good food at that. I had an awful bout with the stomach bug for 2 days. I am just glad it is over and I am almost 100%. The silver lining is I lost weight. Scott and I have a lot to be thankful for. I am thankful for:
  1. Scott my wonderful husband
  2. Noah & Owen
  3. My parents
  4. My entire family (in-laws etc)
  5. God/Jesus
  6. Friends
  7. our freedom
  8. my job
  9. health
  10. all the blessings I have received in life

I hope there are many more turkey days and blessings to come to my family and yours!!

Let the Christmas Holiday Begin

Owen had to get down to business without a shirt.

We have go almost everything decorated. (inside and out) They have been asking to put up the tree for about 2 weeks now. So it is up! These two decorated all by themselves. They actually did a good job. Yes, there are a few ornaments bundled together but we will leave it and just be proud of the awesome job they did. I can tell it is going to be a great Christmas. Now they just keep asking for presents to open. They have a while. Here's to a wonderful Christmas holiday season filled with joy, fun and fond memories!!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Catawba Meadows and the Greenway in Morganton

My 3 favorite boys!!




Owen snacking on some jerky...
We recently went to the Greenway in Morganton. It is one of our favorite places to go and ride and just enjoy our time together. The boys did great for their first time on their new bikes. Man, they are rad on bikes. I will continue to hope for a career in bmx and/or skateboarding. We also ate on the Greenway at Friends. It was awesome food and we got to see a herd (10+) of deer crossing the river. It was so cool. The boys ate that up. Especially Owen the animal lover. We also went to the park their where they climbed on all the ropes. Good food, Good times with my boys. Just what I love!!



This past week we were sick. We were due our usual November dose of sickness. They both had the croup and Noah got a bonus ear infection. I feel sure we got it the week before for our 4 year check up. We are both weighing in at 35 lbs. We had to take prednisone. That was an AWFUL experience!! It really messed Noah up. They were wild, not wanting to take a nap, ill and just crazy. I think as of today most of it is out of their system and almost back to normal. Thank goodness!!

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