Sunday, December 12, 2010

Christmas lights and a carriage ride

The family taking our annual carriage ride in Morganton. We try to do this each year. We also go eat and go see all the Christmas lights in Morganton.

Cold chillin waiting on the carriage ride.

Looking at the Christmas lights at J. Iverson Riddle on Friday night in the van. We let them "stay up late". We were out late and came home and played and finally went to bed about 10. All things considered they hung in there.

Loving the carriage ride!! They did great sitting beside each other. Sometimes it can be a bit scary. Someone makes the other mad and war breaks out fast!! But there was peace that night!!

Scott and the boys looking crazy!! We had a wonderful time and look forward each Christmas to this. It is fun making our own family traditions. Now, if we can just get them to wait 12 more days on the presents we will be doing great!!

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