Sunday, October 23, 2011

Party Time



They both look so thrilled b/f the party. They were so excited they couldn't take but a 20-25 minute nap. We survived but just barely!!

Noah, Aidan, Tracy and William eating some pizza.

Bunches of kids jumping and having fun on the trampoline. That has been a life saver..

Silly string fight

Owen or Romeo as we like to call him. Trying to get 2 girl friends. (Payton and Taylor)

Yummy cupcakes

Digging in the sandbox for eyeballs

Digging for prizes in the hay stack

We actually survived the 5th b-day party at our house. Glad it is all over in regards to all the preparations. It was questionable at times but we made it despite no nap, not eating and wanting to just open presents. Noah was the worst about just wanting to open and play with his new stuff. Out of his mind crazy.

They wanted a Halloween themed party at their house so we made it happen. They LOVE Halloween. We had a great time with family and friends and want to thank everyone for coming and making such an awesome day. We had pizza and cup cakes, jumped, dug for treats and are ready to party down again. Just no more b-days for anyone. We are staying at 34, 40, and 5. Good #'s for the Cannon's. It was complete chaos most of the day which is the norm here and also why we don't have a whole lot of pics. Couldn't keep up. Scott and I are just happy each dayto wake up and have these loving, crazy, amazing, full of life boys to keep us on our toes and to share life with. We love you both.

Happy 5th Birthday

Noah and his VW van. Owen got a pink Cadillac like Elvis.

Getting up on the first day of being 5.They were so so excited. They told us what they wanted to do and remembered stuff from last year. They wanted us to put their presents by the fire pit.(aka fire place)

Owen and his man spray that will knock anyone down. They spray it on every morning. I am sure their classmates can smell them coming.

Darth and storm trooper.

We had a great 5th birthday. We woke up around 7am and was ready to tear open some presents. That is all we heard for weeks. We got them remote controlled cars, scooters. star wars stuff, and BMX gear.

It is hard to believe that 5 years ago on the morning of Oct 16th I would get up (Scott would have no sleep) and have 2 wonderful boys shortly after lunch. With no pain at all. They were saving it up. They busted out early and full of life. I should have known I was in for a ride. They couldn't wait any longer and that is a recurring theme every day at out house. Can't wait, now is often heard on and off all day.

They drive us crazy each and every day and at the same time we can't imagine life with out them. We love them so much and are so proud of them. They fill our lives with joy and laughter and wonderful memories that we will cherish forever. Hears to an awesome year!!

Last Day at age 4

Goof Balls


Typical Owen

No they did not drink the energy drinks. They are Scott's and are now on display in their room. We always try to take a picture on b-day Eve. So below is last year. Wow what a difference a year makes. Time flies and the just keep growing and growing. So we are stopping the growth at 5!! No more getting bigger, older, or wiser.

Face Paint

Owen just scary

Noah as a member of KISS

We went to a b-day party last weekend and Scott's friend Matt painted their faces. They loved it. They want him to do it again. Scott has even had to paint Owen a mustache this week and we went shopping with it. Crazy kid!!

Friday, October 14, 2011

In Loving Memory of Riley Pope

It has been a sad week here. Last Friday my 2nd cousin lost his life at the young age of 18 in a car wreck. Thankfully we all had just seen him at a cook out the Saturday before. He was such a sweet, loving and free spirited kid. I will never forget last summer he, Noah and Owen played in the creek at my aunt and uncles. He helped them catch all kinds of creek critters.

This picture was taken by my dad the day before he passed. He loved to hunt obviously and ride dirt bikes. Scott and he rode many years ago when Riley was about 10-12 years old. Scott will miss playing football with him at our family cookouts.

I have never seen so many people come and pay their respects to anyone as I did Monday night at the funeral home. It was touching to see everything and everybody there that he so loved... camo, dirt bikes boots, etc. I would guess well over 1000 came. His funeral was just perfect for him and only him. In the baptist church we heard Lynard Skynard, Hank Williams Jr, Beulah Land to Midnight Cry. I came away with the preachers message: he can't tell you anything to make the pain go away but he said pour your heart out, face the pain and look forward. We will always love and remember sweet Riley and keep all his family in prayers. (Bradley, LaDonna, Lacey, Dylan, Mattie Belle adn Buzzy) Love adn memories last forever.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Owen and the ER

About 3 weeks ago Owen had to go to the ER to get his head glued. As normal Scott was working just to make it all the more stressful. We were outside talking to some neighborhood kids and Owen ran out around the fence to see Louis and he either hit the retaining wall or a rock burried in the grass. He lost. Next thing I see is him coming with blood dripping down his face. Scared me to death!! Noah was scared and worried too. I call Scott and no answer so I called my parents and Scott's parent who we had just walked with. Scott finally calls after I blow up his phone. My dad and Scott's parents came to see if we needed to go to the ER. We waited and decided to go b/c it wasn't looking so good, had hole in it and you could mash the skin back together. So my dad and I took Owen and Scott's parents kept Noah. It was a 3-4 hour ER trip. Awful wait. Got home right b/f midnight. Owen was a trooper. He only cried when they had to put the glue on. Noah fought going to sleep b/c he wanted to wait on us. Thankfully he was ok and no concusion and is healing great. Still has the glues on him. To top it all off they had school pictures the next day. So we now have Noah who had stitched in his finger at16 months and Owen had his head glues just before he turns 5. Then last Sunday Noah had to go to Urgent Care for an allergic reaction to peanut or egg in some chinese food. We are waiting our MVP card to the ER and I know the insurance company is loving us..... Glad it is all over and our kids are happy and healthy and we are all blessed.

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