Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Right when it got dark.

Boo! Sporting their new masks. Owen is the Scream mask and Noah is Jason. Keep in mind they are scared of them!!

Cannon's by the fire

Noah eating a marsh mellow. Neither one cared for smores.

Owen's well done marsh mellow. He did not eat that one.

Roasting marsh mellows on the one cool day we had recently.

My boys with their tent all set up...

We got to finally use the fire pit 2 weekends ago. We loved it. Scott and I loved making and eating the smores. Yummy! The boys decided to camp out in the back yard. I am not a camper. If I do I will need a camper with air, bed, bathroom and a kitchen. Well in the end it was just Scott and Owen. Noah is a mommy's boy and slept in the house. We watched TV in my bed and he went to his. I was amazed that Owen made it all night long. Scott and Owen told stories. They are growing up too fast on us.

1st Pre-school Trip to the Apple Orchard

Their class

Listening to the presentation on how they sort the apples.

A few weeks ago I went with the boys on the trip to the apple orchard with their class. They were a little sad b/c they didn't get to ride the church bus but we had fun jamming in the van, looking at the beautiful 77 acres, learning about apples and eating a few. We all got to take a bag home. My favorite was the apple cider. Owen kept holding onto a little girls hand trying to be Romeo I guess. He thinks he is lover boy- he and Noah fought over a girl at church. It has already begun......

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Tanglewood BMX Park


A proud Daddy



The park

Noah-- as Scott calls it "carrying the mail". That kid has some speed and talent.

We went down last Thursday to the BMX track near Winston Salem and had a blast. It was a great track. Noah and Owen did awesome!! We were so proud. They enjoyed it when some other older kids came too. I think they impressed them. One kid asked them to stay longer. I know Scott just eats this up. I do too. So now they want some jerseys and full face helmets. Noah wiped out 2 times but sucked it up and kept on riding. We may be going again tomorrow.

HIking at Bakers Mtn



Last Friday we took off that morning and went on a hike at Baker's Mountain. We had fun. The new camel backs came in handy. Noah drank all 35 ounces. We didn't make it as far as we hoped b/c Scott can't read a map, we got a late start and we were getting hungry. The boys did great. It was more than I had expected. Lots of hills to hike up. We even found a rhino beetle there. It will be a great place when the leaves change soon. We treasure the time we have together.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

1st Day of Pre-school

Scott and I waited in line yesterday to pick them up and here they are coming out.

My 2 school boys smiling and even posing for pictures with their new backpacks.

O-dog sporting the back to school look.

No-dog's back to school pose.

Yesterday was a BIG day at the Cannon house. My little men went off to pre-school at 1st Baptist in Hickory and they did AWESOME!! They only go 2 days a week (Mon/Wed) until 12. We (or more so me) were worried sick on how this would go. Noah is a mommy's boy so I had my most concern there. Well they proved us wrong. Noah was worried when he went to bed saying this was different and he has never done anything like this before. He slept great and so did Owen. We laid out there clothes for the big morning ahead of us. Owen woke up 1st around 6:15 and we woke Noah up at 6:30 and it went ultra smooth. We watched TV in our bed as normal, got dressed, even ate our chicken minis, took these great pictures and got in the van like it was nothing and was off. We had really talked to them about behaving, told them it would be fun, and I am right down the street from them. We go in and they man up and just go play. We gave them hugs and kisses and left. No tears. I was stunned beyond belief. Almost saddened that they didn't cry. I waited all morning for a call and they made it all 4 hours. Scott and I are always proud of them but yesterday especially. Owen talked all about and so did Noah. They made friends, played, learned songs, and told us Spencer has a mow hawk. They are just growing up way to fast. So they won't go back until Wednesday. We will cross our fingers and toes and hope for a good week next week and a good year. We love these munchkins so much and we hope all their hopes and dreams come true!! We love you Noah and Owen with all our hearts!!


Mom and Dad

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