Saturday, August 20, 2011

Bye Bye Turd we will never forget you

A little over a month ago Scott got rid of the turd (the 1999 Montero sport) and got a Subaru. It was a sad sad day but long overdue. He had the turd when we met, since the boys were born, through 2 dirt bikes, trips to the mountains, beach and many more. So ever since I have know him we have had the turd.The boys were even sad to see her go. The drove the hot wheels on her and we could just jump in there and go and not worry f she got a scratch or if we were dirty. It has such a lovely nickname but she was a great car and we all loved her and hated to see her go. But we do get to see her still b/c a neighbor bought her. Now we have the 2004 Subaru forester. It is smaller bit it s all wheel drive and we are looking forward to snow to go and play. We have not come up with a snazzy name for her yet. Hopefully here's to a great ride with the scooby and to all the great memories from the turd!!

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