Saturday, August 20, 2011

Hot Rods for the Old Soldiers Reunion

Poor Owen got his chair stolen. Paw Paw put them out the day before and he rode by that evening and someone stole Owen's brand new chair. How rude!! Even took it in the daylight and in front of the police station. I joked to Scott that I hope no one stole their new chairs we had just got. I jinxed us I guess. We replaced it a few days later.

Watching the parade w/ Maw Maw Barbara and Paw Paw James.

Owen loves Cadillac especially these old long ones

VW bus

Inside the VW Bus. Lots of Elvis stuff which the boys love!



We love this time of the year. It is time for the Old Soldiers Reunion week. It started off Sunday with the hot rod show. We love some hot rods. This year they had a lot of VW's which Scott loved and I thought this year was better than the past. We got a lemonade and snow cones. Owen got the tiger blood flavor and Noah got orange. They also got to ring the bell and alarm from an old fire truck which was way cool. We had a great time.

Bye Bye Turd we will never forget you

A little over a month ago Scott got rid of the turd (the 1999 Montero sport) and got a Subaru. It was a sad sad day but long overdue. He had the turd when we met, since the boys were born, through 2 dirt bikes, trips to the mountains, beach and many more. So ever since I have know him we have had the turd.The boys were even sad to see her go. The drove the hot wheels on her and we could just jump in there and go and not worry f she got a scratch or if we were dirty. It has such a lovely nickname but she was a great car and we all loved her and hated to see her go. But we do get to see her still b/c a neighbor bought her. Now we have the 2004 Subaru forester. It is smaller bit it s all wheel drive and we are looking forward to snow to go and play. We have not come up with a snazzy name for her yet. Hopefully here's to a great ride with the scooby and to all the great memories from the turd!!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Happy 40th B-day Big Daddy

My 3 favorite men. I am a lucky girl to have Scott and the boys in my life. They give me so much love, joy and laughter. Scott is as far away from looking and acting 40 as you can get.

Some awesome cupcakes the boys and I made that were gone within 2 days... Yummy!!

Fishing in the evening. I think they caught 20 fish...

Party Party

Delicious chocolate cake. The rocks were even edible candy. Thanks to Myra K's cut ups.

My main squeeze.

Well Scott turned 40 on Saturday. He has left the 30's behind. We tried to give him a surprise b-day party a week before but Owen had diarrhea of the mouth. We hid it all the way up until the day of the party. We went to the lake to decorate that morning and came home to wake him up and Owen just spilled the beans. I told them not to say anything that we even went to the lake but he sat down for lunch and that was thefirst thing he said. We went to the lake today and then it steam rolled from there. Then Noah and Owen both started singing Happy Birthday and then they said we're having a surprise party for you daddy at the lake. Oh well. We just laughed and laughed. He had a blast anyway. Plus it was the hottest day of the year. We survived the heat and were dead tired when we got home. For his actual b-day we just stayed home relaxes and grilled steaks.

This month I will have know Scott for 10 years. The best 10 years ever!! I just hope for many more years of wonderful family fun to come. I couldn't have asked for a better husband and father. I thank God for bringing us together and I hope Scott had a wonderful b-day. I love you Chrissy Cannon.....

Thursday, August 4, 2011


A few weeks ago we got the boys a trampoline. Wow it has been a hit!! It will be even better if the weather would cool off. 98-100 degrees for weeks isn't making the cut. We put the sprinkler under it thanks to Scott's friend Matt's idea. It makes it tolerable. We will keep our fingers crossed for no injuries such as broken bones. We will see how that plays out. They did a no handed flip the second day. Danger.. Danger... Action Sports are right up our alley. Owen likes to sport just his underwear. Maybe he is strutting his 6 pack. Ha!Ha!

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