Saturday, May 21, 2011


Is it Bill Dance? Nah, it is Big Daddy with this really big fish. Ha!Ha!

Check out Dad's that that he so so hates!! Noah would rather be swimming.. He stayed in the water the whole time and did not want to leave. Too bad we didn't learn how to swim but we got a good start.

Owen and dad..

Yesterday we went with Scott's parents and Amy to the lake. We had a lot of fun fishing, swimming and eating snow cones. Owen was Mr. Bass Pro. That kid caught several fish. And he was proud. Paw Paw caught a good size one too. I just didn't want the fish to touch me. I like my fish dead and fried!! I loved being in the sun and tanning. I did hold the pole for a few seconds. They got mad at Scott for throwing their prize winning fish back in the water instead of the bucket. It was a fun morning. They are ready to go again....

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