Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Helping Paw Paw Jimmy pick cabbage. They have a green thumb like him. They love to dig and get dirty.


Noah sporting the new do. He wanted hair like Dale Jr so Tracey flipped it for him. SO we had to go get some gel and they both now like to flip or spike their hair. Too funny. Other than being rock n rollers we are into NASCAR. Dale Jr, Dale Sr and Jimmie Johnson are living with us these days. They sure know a lot about it to be scared to death to hear a race car going.

This is our every morning routine. Gotta come in and hang out in our bed. Most of the time they fall back asleep giving us just a few more minutes to snooze. I hope this "tradition" continues forever b/c I will be very sad when they grow up and stop coming in here. That just makes my mornings.They now just sleep in the underwear- want to be just like their daddy....



Well we watched the last episode of American Idol last week. The only one we saw and I turn it on and it is Judas Priest. So for the past week they have been rock n rollers. They got jackets, a guitar and a hat to rock out and sing Breakin the law. Pure craziness over here 24 /7...

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Is it Bill Dance? Nah, it is Big Daddy with this really big fish. Ha!Ha!

Check out Dad's that that he so so hates!! Noah would rather be swimming.. He stayed in the water the whole time and did not want to leave. Too bad we didn't learn how to swim but we got a good start.

Owen and dad..

Yesterday we went with Scott's parents and Amy to the lake. We had a lot of fun fishing, swimming and eating snow cones. Owen was Mr. Bass Pro. That kid caught several fish. And he was proud. Paw Paw caught a good size one too. I just didn't want the fish to touch me. I like my fish dead and fried!! I loved being in the sun and tanning. I did hold the pole for a few seconds. They got mad at Scott for throwing their prize winning fish back in the water instead of the bucket. It was a fun morning. They are ready to go again....

Pee Wee's

Last Friday we took off to Pee Wee's in Lincolnton to ride the jumps. They did great and had a great time. It was ultra humid but afterwards we went to get some good BBQ and sweet tea. Those crazy boys amaze me riding their bikes. Noah is fearless on jumps and Owen is fast. They get this talent from their Daddy. So I am not going to be left in the dust and I am going to get me a new mountain bike. The La Jolla just barely made it. We have already started looking and hopefully soon I will be cool like the boys....

Friday, May 13, 2011


We love these things. Can't have too many. We have the perfect hill and add some soap and it is party time Cannon style. I think we did this every day but today. It helps get some sun tan too which I am really liking.

Cookout at Ninny's

Ninny as Bono

We had a great time at the cook out. Aurora brought her new pet hamster that the boys loved. Better her than me. They boys played the entire time. The game of the day was football. They did awesome. We were very prod. They also played baseball and red rover. We always love the big family get togethers.

Mother's Day

It started off a rocky day with a little bitting and a poking with a pointed airplane but it got much better. They made me the cutest cards and got me a pedicure. Can't wait for that one. They are also going to help me get a new mtn bike. The cruiser is just not making the cut. It was just enough to have Scott take off the day and all 4 of us to have fun. I have been so blessed with great motherly influences- my mom and my Ninny. I also have a wonderful mother-in-law too. I want to say thanks to all 3 of them for all they have done, taught me and just being themselves. I also want to thank my loving husband for being helping make these beautiful and cool kids. Couldn't do it without him.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Carolina Blue Sky



A dragon

Last Friday we had a picnic in the backyard for lunch. We decided to lay on the blanket and look up and see what all shapes we could see in the gorgeous blue sky. We had just watched the Disney movie Lemonade Mouth and they did that and we were copy cats. We saw dragons, lions, and turtles. Then it was off to see the neighbors dog that they so love. Hence that is why Owen is holding a stuffed dog. They have very vivid imaginations. There is nothing like good simple fun to share with your kids. Scott and I can't believe how much they grow each day. It makes us a little sad but we know there are many great times ahead too.. As mothers day comes I am thankful for my 2 awesome boys that challenge me and bless me with such joy and good times everyday.

Slip N Slide Time



Well we had a few warm days earlier this week and we had to get into some water. These kids LOVE water!! (all but swimming lessons) We have to put toys in water buckets almost every time we step out the door. We are going to get another slip n slide either for 2 or a jump in it. The hill comes in handy for sledding and slip n slides. After they are doe they find all the water puddled and jump in. We are sun lovers....

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