Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A great 34th Birthday

Me and Owen
Me and Noah
4 crazy Cannon's on a cold and dreary day at my parents
The cake Scott got me. Such a good hubbie

On Sunday I turned the big 34. Sometimes it feels more like 304. HA!HA! Scott, Owen and Noah gave me a great day. They made me a pencil holder and frame at Bisque & Beads and even went and took pics of the three of them. That melted my heart. It was one of the best gifts ever. I am so thankful for such a good hubbie and wonderful and wild boys. I look forward to each and every morning I wake up with the 3 of them making me smile and embracing the day together with so many blessings. First thing I hear from them is I want milk and Scott well he just doesn't want to get up. It takes him a while. They love to come in our bed around 6:30am and snuggle and go back to sleep for a little bit and if they don't we all watch Full House. I will miss these days when they get big.

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