Wednesday, March 9, 2011

CVAC--Swimming at LR

Our first day

Owen grinning like a opossum

Standing in line listening!

Well we have 2 full weeks of swim lessons under our belt. The first night it was storming, 2ND night they both were a little upset but did good and this week poor Noah has gotten upset before we go and when we get there and he gets in and is great. They are both doing well. They can hold their breath under water and have jumped off the diving board once. Not bad at 4 years old with 2 weeks of lessons. All this after Noah had strep throat on Sunday morning. So I hope we are on the mend and Owen survives w/o getting it. I think they both really like it and Scott and I are impressed with the lessons so far. I hope to have some more pics next week...

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