Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Bath time fun

I took this tonight after we got home from swimming. Thanks to my boss Rick, he gave us some bath tablets and the water color made me think of the beach or an island. Wish we were there too. Soon they will be too big to get in the tub together and that will be sad. For over 4 years we have done it this way. They are growing like weeds and I cannot believe they will be 5 this fall. I love these 2 naked noo noo's!!

A great 34th Birthday

Me and Owen
Me and Noah
4 crazy Cannon's on a cold and dreary day at my parents
The cake Scott got me. Such a good hubbie

On Sunday I turned the big 34. Sometimes it feels more like 304. HA!HA! Scott, Owen and Noah gave me a great day. They made me a pencil holder and frame at Bisque & Beads and even went and took pics of the three of them. That melted my heart. It was one of the best gifts ever. I am so thankful for such a good hubbie and wonderful and wild boys. I look forward to each and every morning I wake up with the 3 of them making me smile and embracing the day together with so many blessings. First thing I hear from them is I want milk and Scott well he just doesn't want to get up. It takes him a while. They love to come in our bed around 6:30am and snuggle and go back to sleep for a little bit and if they don't we all watch Full House. I will miss these days when they get big.

Dress Up


Look at these 2 nuts. They love to be different characters each day. You never know who they will wake up and be. We have been army dudes, eskimos, Obi-on- knobi, Luke, Travis Pastrana, Dale Earnhardt, Dale Jarrett, ball players etc.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Sunny Days

The first warm days we gotta get out and go barefooted and play ball!!

The full moon the other night was beautiful.

On Saturday Scott washed the van and the boys washed their toys. Had a blast.

On Friday we took Noah and Owen to a practice at Hickory Motor Speedway with Paw Paw James. Noah is into Nascar. He and Owen both are TERRIFIED of any loud noise. Well we made it up the hill with ear plugs and the crying began. We were there less than 5 minutes. Noah cried so much and hard he lost his voice for a few minutes. So we will wait a while before we return.

Noah with his cool moves

Owen flying a kite. We lost one to the trees. Owen let go and it is still hanging there.
The past couple of weeks we have been playing outside a lot more. Makes it a lot better at the Cannon Compound.

Nothing like pushing 70+ pounds all around the yard.

They saw that crazy cat again. It scratched Noah's belly. They chased that poor cat all around. It didn't stay long thank goodness!!

Noah with his sun glasses on while having Giovanni's pizza. The best pizza ever!!

Owen with his glamour shot pic. Maybe he will model. Yeah right. Not thrilling enough.

Working on making a bag full of materials for birds to build their nests with w/ Maw Maw Cassie and Paw Paw Jimmy. We hung them in the tree. We got this project out of their Ranger Rick magazine.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

CVAC--Swimming at LR

Our first day

Owen grinning like a opossum

Standing in line listening!

Well we have 2 full weeks of swim lessons under our belt. The first night it was storming, 2ND night they both were a little upset but did good and this week poor Noah has gotten upset before we go and when we get there and he gets in and is great. They are both doing well. They can hold their breath under water and have jumped off the diving board once. Not bad at 4 years old with 2 weeks of lessons. All this after Noah had strep throat on Sunday morning. So I hope we are on the mend and Owen survives w/o getting it. I think they both really like it and Scott and I are impressed with the lessons so far. I hope to have some more pics next week...

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