Monday, April 5, 2010

33 and alive

I will start off and say I am glad to be alive and here with such a wonderful husband, kids and family. My b-day would be best if it was forgotten. Owen got strep throat the day before. So we sleep deprived to start. Everyone was either ill, sleepy or sick. But it got a litle better by evening. It started off with Owen on Friday morning puking b/f we left for the doc. He had an ear ache that night. We get to the doctors office and he pukes all over me and the office. We have to change rooms. He pukes again but I catch it in the puke pan. Poor kid is in there in his undies. He had to get a shot to get better since he kept puking. That was awful !! It was a solo trip so I let Noah take a toy. Here is where the ill kid comes in. Noah lost his dirt bike and man there. We looked everywhere. So I told him we would go get a new one since he was good and Owen endured a shot. I needed to go to Wal-mart to get Owen some gatorade and Kleenex's. We get there and Owen pukes all over in Wal-mart. So we have to leave and wait on the medicine and Noah doesn't understand. I promised him to get one Sat. He whines and is ill all day until we get it. We get it and the darn thing breaks as soon as we get home and have to return it and they have 1 left. We get it and go to my parents for dinner and it did get better. They got me a super cool cake and I am just glad it is over and we are getting healthier!!

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