Friday, April 23, 2010

Trip to the Asheboro Zoo

My 3 main Squeezes

We're just monkeying around

The dreadful ostrich. For 2 kids to love these crazy birds, they wouldn't get close at all!

Chimp. Love this one!

Polar Bear sun bathing

Looking at the Bison

Last Thursday we took a trip to the zoo. We had a blast. It was a perfect spring day. Not too crowded and great weather. We got to see all the animals except for the baboons. Some how we missed them. Thanks to my wonderful and intelligent hubbie, we didn't have to go uphill much. Which was especially good for him since he had to push 70 lbs around. We went to the middle and navigated from there. The boys love animals. I think their favorite animal were the seals followed by the polar bear. We look forward to many more trips there and many more wonderful family memories!! I love my 3 boys with all my heart!!!

Dirt Diglers


At the zoo we went to this play area and got down and dirty in the gardens. The raked and planted like good Southern Farmers. They would make Paw-Paw Jimmy proud. We had dirt all over the place and especially on our faces as you can see. Noah wore white shoes which are now super dirty. Oh well.

New Ramp



Today after a week of waiting we got a bike ramp. We thought we were off to get it last weekend BUT we didn't read the fine print in regards to when it went on sale. We waited patiently and boy did they have fun. We were even more inspired when we watched Brian Deagan's son do it at age 2 on the internet. However late this afternoon we had pedal blow outs. We had just left Wal-mart and got home and Owen's pedal broke. So off we went back to Wal-mart and low and behold Noah's pedals were about broke. So we will go back tomorrow and get 2 more pedals. They ride those bikes EVERYDAY so we don't mind the upkeep as long as that is what they love. Whatever their passion is we will be there to support. We couldn't be more blessed and proud!!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

The River-Lake Rhodhiss

Me and the boys chillin on the dock.

Uncle Buzzy

Paw-Paw and his little fishermen

We met Paw-Paw and uncle Buzz at the river (Rhodhiss) the other weekend. We made it just as they were coming in. They got to get in his boat. They seemed to really enjoy it. We would have gone for a ride but we forgot the life jackets. We will go back very soon with our Sponge Bob rods and spider man tackle box.

Easter 2010

Having fun at Brad's on the trampoline.

We passed out on the way up to Maw-Maw's since we love to be up at 6:30am.

Junk and candy

Peter Cotton tale did come...
We had a good Easter. We loved hearing the Easter story about Jesus, the cross and Judas. We went to uncle Brad's and Maw-Maw Cassie's to play, eat and hunt eggs. They wanted to cheapo Easter baskets from Wal-mart with monster trucks. Neither lasted over a day.

2 Goons

We are obsessed with Scott's goofy dirt bike goggles and helmet. Noah wants his own pair of goggles so bad. The goggles do not fit but he cries for them if we don't get them. He also thinks they take the place of a helmet. Not hardly. So long term we will be looking for a pair of kids goggles. Owen liked the helmet but we had to throw it away. It was old and they fought over it too. Just like they do everything. Man, the competition is tough here. Keep in mind they are only three. Can't wait to see what the future holds....

Monday, April 5, 2010

33 and alive

I will start off and say I am glad to be alive and here with such a wonderful husband, kids and family. My b-day would be best if it was forgotten. Owen got strep throat the day before. So we sleep deprived to start. Everyone was either ill, sleepy or sick. But it got a litle better by evening. It started off with Owen on Friday morning puking b/f we left for the doc. He had an ear ache that night. We get to the doctors office and he pukes all over me and the office. We have to change rooms. He pukes again but I catch it in the puke pan. Poor kid is in there in his undies. He had to get a shot to get better since he kept puking. That was awful !! It was a solo trip so I let Noah take a toy. Here is where the ill kid comes in. Noah lost his dirt bike and man there. We looked everywhere. So I told him we would go get a new one since he was good and Owen endured a shot. I needed to go to Wal-mart to get Owen some gatorade and Kleenex's. We get there and Owen pukes all over in Wal-mart. So we have to leave and wait on the medicine and Noah doesn't understand. I promised him to get one Sat. He whines and is ill all day until we get it. We get it and the darn thing breaks as soon as we get home and have to return it and they have 1 left. We get it and go to my parents for dinner and it did get better. They got me a super cool cake and I am just glad it is over and we are getting healthier!!

Noah's allergic reaction

These pics do not do it justice in hte least.

My sweet Noah had a horrible allergic reaction on Tuesday morning. It was one of the worst days ever. He woke up with swolle lips and it got worse. He had welts all over him. Head to toe and swollen feet. We were so scared especially when he started scratching his throat. So we went to the ER at 7:30am. All they said was it was an allergic reaction and told us to keep giving him benadryl. To what we don't know and will never know. They said it was probably food since it was all over his body. So later it diminished and he woke up from the nap and of course it came back. It kept getting worse so at 7:00pm we went back to the ER for 3 hours this time. Trip #1 only an hour. This time they said it was an allergic reaction and that he had an ear infection. Within 12 hours he developed one. Weird. So this trip they gave him an antibiotic and prednisone. The medicine from hell. Poor kid was so ill no one could stand him. So on Wed it came back which the ER and pediatrician said was normal. Still scary b/c this time it was all over his face and we couldn't go to gymnastics. Thursday came and we took him to the allergist. We actually went tot he wrong one but it worked out b/c they had an opening and they told us we could quit the horrible prednisone and put him on claritin and zyrtec. One at night and one when he wakes up. He goes back later for a check up and to see if they need to do an allergy test. We just hope and pray he gets better and this never happens again!! He still has a runny nose and had a horrible cough on Friday and Saturday. I do think we are on the mend.

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