Friday, February 12, 2010



Dennis Anderson (the driver) sign ing Noah & Owen an autograph

Scott driving a trike as if he was drunk.

Watching the pit crew do the tire changes. That was real cool!

Noah looking not thrilled right when we got there. He has just woke up..
Yesterday we got to go to the Nascar Technical Institute/UTI thanks to Keith. We had a blast!! Owen and Noah got to see Gravedigger. Keith took us on a tour of the campus which was awesome. I think my favorite was the pit crew. Scott liked the fabrication part and the boys just liked the monster truck. The boys did have the crap scared of them while we were watching the pit crew. There was an engine making the "real" racing noises and it scared them to death. They didn't cry but boy they crawled all of us. I was even not expecting that. They were probably less than 75 feet from it. Oops. I was so excited to meet and get Dennis Anderson's autograph. We had a wonderful time and can't wait to do it next year. Maybe then we can actually go to the actual Monster Jam.

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