Monday, October 19, 2009

Party at the Creek

Such a serene picture. Right as the sun is going down

Scooters from Maw-Maw and Paw-Paw Donald

Tractors from Maw-Maw and Paw-Paw Cannon

Our awesome cake thanks to Myra K's cut ups

Roasting weenies with our hero Christopher

Coming down the goat path. This is the same path I walked down 5 years ago when Scott and I got married

On Saturday we had Noah & Owen's party down by the creek at Uncle Buzz and Aunt Mattie Belle's. It was so much fun. Nothing like roasting weenies on a cold day with family. We were a little scared it wouldn't happen due to the crazy cold and rainy weather. The fire pit kept us all warm. Noah and Owen got to run wild and play and feed Willie the goat. He was the main star by the way. We got to eat, open gifts, hit a pirate pinata, and even go on a tractor ride. That was the best. We want to thank all of our wonderful and thoughtful family for all you did. We love all of you and appreciate you dearly. Family means everything to us. Here's to another year of fun and much love!!


Unknown said...

Hey Cannon Family!

Hope you all are doing well. We were visiting your blog (as we do quite often), and saw that the boys had cool B-day party! We thought of you all last week, it is so hard to believe they are 3.= Man they are half grown and they are handsome fellows!
We would love to see ya'll. I know that you all have a busy life now with the boys. Anytime you would like to get together and go out or stay into eat, we'd be glad to have all of ya'll down for some Bentley grillin' out adventures. We'd love to just hang out and see the little Cannons too.
Give us a call sometime. Stacey is working a weekday schedule sometimes =
Mon thru Wed.; Mon-Thurs.; or Mon-Fri schedule. We never know......thats
how CommScope is. Hope Scott's job is going well. Is he still on nightshift? What is his schedule?

Its always great to see your blog, but we'd like to get up with you guys soon! Give us a call!

Stacey & Jamie Bentley

Dr. Alfaro said...


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