Monday, October 19, 2009

Yippee... We're 3

Get ready, Get set, Go
Owen and a coloring book

Noah and his spider man slippers

We just cannot believe they are three. It is wonderful, scary, and so much fun all at once. We have endured challenges along the way but it has been so worth it. They just are growing into such fine young boys.
It is so hard to believe that 3 years ago on 10/16/06 I went to the hospital that morning and right after lunch I had 2 beautiful baby boys. God blessed and gave us the most rewarding gift ever. They bring such joy to our lives. I can't even remember life without them.
A few things they got from us were bikes, books, trucks and a road ripper 4 wheeler. We even let them pick where to eat lunch and of course it was McDon Don's. (McDonald's)
Owen and Noah we love you and are so lucky to have you in our lives. You fill our hearts with joy and love!!

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