Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Valentines Day

Did somebody say cheese?
Me and my little sweethearts on Valentines Day

Scott and his little monsters

Owen and his Travis Pastrana monster tuck

Noah and his monster truck

We had a wonderful V-day together. Noah woke up a little after 7 and said present. We don't forget anything. I told them Friday when we put them to bed they would get presents for V-day. So we were rocking by 7:30 am. We got them a T-Rex shirt, monster trucks, books and some Dora chocolate candy(not by choice).

1 comment:

Vikki Ikard said...

I LOVE the pics on Valentine's Day!!! Jen, you & Scott are great role model parents for us all- write a book- I'll buy it!!(lol) The babies are growing so fast- we do love them!

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