Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Cool kids

Owen is feeding Noah. We can get along and be loving towards one another.. Rare but it does happen...

We have enjoyed some awesome weather the past 5 days. Temps have been in the upper 60's and 70's. So I am sure we will pay for it. We have spent a lot of time outside needless to say. On Monday we took a walk around the neighborhood and Owen picked up a dog turd so we had to cut it short. It was gross but it was funny at the same time. We explored a little top much I guess. We also got some much needed hair cuts on Saturday. No more shaggy dog looks. They are also getting some back molars and they both have been sharpening thier teeth on everyone that lives here. We also discovered a new Sunday night ritual..... Watching America's Funniest Videos. They watched it for the last 30 minutes and didn't move. Every time a commercial came on the said more more... They drive us crazy sometimes but we love every minute of it.

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