Wednesday, February 25, 2009

These are some cool dudes. We got them some new Diego sunglasses last week. This is right before we walked out the door for Sunday school. I can see we will have some future heart breakers..

All you can say is SWEET

After a day of stacking we got in the bins and watched monster trucks on TV this afternoon!!

Lets go fly a kite

Sharing as brothers do


Last week we flew a kite in the back yard and had a lot of fun. It was just enough wind to make it fly. The boys loved it. We got the cool Elmo kite at Wal-mart and they had been waiting to fly it. They cried for 2 days to go out. They just didn't understand we needed the wind to do it.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Here we are feeding the birds. Mom and Dad got us all a bird house. We are trying to lure them in.

Noah showing us some shredded wheat.

Owen with some static in his hair

Cupcakes for lunch

This is a happy kid

I made my 3 sweethearts cupcakes and a heart cake for V-day. Owen and Noah LOVE them. We made them wait until lunch to chow down on them. I hope everyone enjoys the cool outfits they have on. This has been fashion week at 1091 Windy Hill. It is mainly Noah being the ultra crazy dressing machine. We have worn Superman,Batman, bones in all types of combos. One night they slept in shorts,and one night we slept in shorts over pants and two shirts and then we wore them to Wal-mart. They are a ball of laughs. They even cried to wear some stuff and didn't want to take it off.

Happy Valentines Day

Did somebody say cheese?
Me and my little sweethearts on Valentines Day

Scott and his little monsters

Owen and his Travis Pastrana monster tuck

Noah and his monster truck

We had a wonderful V-day together. Noah woke up a little after 7 and said present. We don't forget anything. I told them Friday when we put them to bed they would get presents for V-day. So we were rocking by 7:30 am. We got them a T-Rex shirt, monster trucks, books and some Dora chocolate candy(not by choice).

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Cool kids

Owen is feeding Noah. We can get along and be loving towards one another.. Rare but it does happen...

We have enjoyed some awesome weather the past 5 days. Temps have been in the upper 60's and 70's. So I am sure we will pay for it. We have spent a lot of time outside needless to say. On Monday we took a walk around the neighborhood and Owen picked up a dog turd so we had to cut it short. It was gross but it was funny at the same time. We explored a little top much I guess. We also got some much needed hair cuts on Saturday. No more shaggy dog looks. They are also getting some back molars and they both have been sharpening thier teeth on everyone that lives here. We also discovered a new Sunday night ritual..... Watching America's Funniest Videos. They watched it for the last 30 minutes and didn't move. Every time a commercial came on the said more more... They drive us crazy sometimes but we love every minute of it.


Here we are riding on our first adventure down the hill in the backyard with our big wheels. So far so good for the first 3 times but wait look at the next picture....

Going downhill fast......

And we finish with a crash. Poor Owen bit the dust literally. He had dirt up his nose holes and all in his mouth. No injuries thank the good Lord above.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Noah doing a flip. They are circus stars.


It is the depth of winter and these nuts are in their swimmies. They even ate supper in them. They are a little a snug so I hope we move on. One of them peed in them. They even called for each other this week and held hands. I melted. They bring such joy to our lives. We love them more than words can say.

The New Room

Well, 2 years later we got this 3rd bedroom cleaned out for them. This is the morning when they woke up and saw it. They usually come into our bedroom and drink their milk and watch Blues Clue but that day they didn't miss a beat and went straight in there. Too funny. We are still in the process of organizing it but the important thing is they can go in there. Yippee!!

Riding bikes at the Crawdads stadium

Last week we took the boys to ride there bikes at the empty parking lot at the crawdads stadium. They loved the wide open area and seeing the planes fly over at the airport. So we took them to see 2 planes land. Keep in mind we saw at least 5 while riding.

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