Monday, September 29, 2008

The Last day of the Shaggy Hair

Here we are eating a smores pop tart (thanks to Taylor for introducing us to these delicious things) on our new hot wheels table. It was to be a b-day present but it didn't make it. Lets be real they won't know the difference. They love these messy smores and so do I!!! Thanks Taylor!! The table has been touch and go literally. They like to move it and the chairs all around the house. So we put it up and bring it out over and over. They are just wild boys and that is how we like it. This is a day b/f the BIG haircut. We got it cut all over. They do not look the same. We can even see Noah's beautiful blue/green eyes now. The curls and as Scott calls it the rat tails are gone. I will post a picture later this week of the new dos.

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