Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Labor Day weekend

Not thriled here
Playing with the bird feeder
Owen driving the M&M car
Noah driving the Home Depot car
We had a great weekend!! We were all off the same days for once. We went shopping, out to eat a lot, to the park, to both grandparents houses, to the fair, and had a yard sale. Busy, busy but that is the Cannon way these days. The boys liked the balloons at the fair the best. They got scared on the carousel b/c of the loud rides beside us. So we rode it on the sleigh/chair instead of the horses. What surprised us was they didn't get into the animals b/c of the balloons which is good b/c they are germie. We were glad to get out after all the rain. They learned to say Scott (Cott) So I have deleted that word as much as I can. They are saying a lot more words and grwoing up so fast. They amaze us each day to how fast they learn. They may be smart and athletic after all. It is so hard to believe that in a month and a half they will be 2. They have learned to say 2 and if ya ask them how many of something like m&m's they always say 2. They are nutty and we love them dearly!!

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