Monday, September 29, 2008

The Last day of the Shaggy Hair

Here we are eating a smores pop tart (thanks to Taylor for introducing us to these delicious things) on our new hot wheels table. It was to be a b-day present but it didn't make it. Lets be real they won't know the difference. They love these messy smores and so do I!!! Thanks Taylor!! The table has been touch and go literally. They like to move it and the chairs all around the house. So we put it up and bring it out over and over. They are just wild boys and that is how we like it. This is a day b/f the BIG haircut. We got it cut all over. They do not look the same. We can even see Noah's beautiful blue/green eyes now. The curls and as Scott calls it the rat tails are gone. I will post a picture later this week of the new dos.

The Barney Trance

This is Owen and Noah watching Barney the other day when Scott took out his car seats. Barney is all we hear and see these days. It is Barney from the time they wake up until they go to bed around 8:30. So we have 13 1/2 hours to listen to the purple dinosaur. Lucky us. Barney drives us crazy especially Scott but it makes us laugh too. They even sleep with him. Often I awake during the middle of the night to hear Barney singing I love you when they roll on top of him.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Cupcakes at Night

The day before our anniversary we decided to hang out and celebrate our 4 yr anniversary with the boys. We all had a blast. We ate filet mignon, baked potato and salad. Owen loved the steal and they both ate up a bowl of salad each. I was so proud of them. They definitely do not get that from me. We have been eating outside as much as we can and they love it!! So then we brought out dessert which was cupcakes for them and bundt cake for me and Scott all compliments of Harris Teeter. They love being outside day or night. We waited to see them moon but not successful. We think it was hiding behind the trees.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Hooray.. It's Here FInally!!



Our new heroes are Catawba Valley Fence. They go it put up on Thursday afternoon and it has been better than anyone could imagine. The smell of the wood is awesome too for fall. They love it and we love it even more. They just don't know. Clever Owen less than 24 hours that it was up figured out how to open the gate and 2 seconds later so did Noah. So Scott fixed it up with a bolt and we are good now. As you can see there is a lot of mud but that seems to be a bonus for the boys. They love mud and dirt. Can't imagine that. Noah is looking like he needs a hair cut in the front I know. So needless to say we have been playing all we can outside between the great weather and fence. We are ready to go do some fall activities now.

55 degrees and loving it!!


The past two mornings we ventured out this in the wonderful cool weather. Yesterday, Owen and Noah had to adjust but they didn't mind at all. Noah's shivered for a second but he sucked it up. This is my favorite time of the year. We can go out and play all the time with weather like this. Yippee!!

Uncle Ivy's House

Last weekend we went to Ivy's house for Ninny's b-day. Owen and Noah had a blast. We only got these few snap shots b/c there was so much to do. We didn't even get a pic of Ninny. We had to be on our toes to stay close to them. They didn't even eat b/c they were so excited. They played with Aurora's toys, petted the puppies, picked apples, watched Scott and Riley play football. All in all we had a blast with the whole family.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Chocolate Chip Cookies

Who could resist a cookie. We made them the other night and the next day Noah saw them on the counter and said cookie in his sweet voice. Owen seems to like chocolate a little more than Noah.

My Little Boys


Here are my boys looking all grown up. They are just growing and learning so much every day. They are starting to say stuff in or about books. They will say Mimi for the book Sweet Dreams Mimi. It is so precious. Mimi and Ninny(my grandma) are some of their new words. We are letting their hair get shaggy. Who could cut these cool hair do's???? Not us. We will let it grow and be like skater dudes. HA!! HA!! The picture of the car is the new one we got last weekend. It is a junker but it is the one they fight over. It makes us laugh. Owen especially love that car.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Labor Day weekend

Not thriled here
Playing with the bird feeder
Owen driving the M&M car
Noah driving the Home Depot car
We had a great weekend!! We were all off the same days for once. We went shopping, out to eat a lot, to the park, to both grandparents houses, to the fair, and had a yard sale. Busy, busy but that is the Cannon way these days. The boys liked the balloons at the fair the best. They got scared on the carousel b/c of the loud rides beside us. So we rode it on the sleigh/chair instead of the horses. What surprised us was they didn't get into the animals b/c of the balloons which is good b/c they are germie. We were glad to get out after all the rain. They learned to say Scott (Cott) So I have deleted that word as much as I can. They are saying a lot more words and grwoing up so fast. They amaze us each day to how fast they learn. They may be smart and athletic after all. It is so hard to believe that in a month and a half they will be 2. They have learned to say 2 and if ya ask them how many of something like m&m's they always say 2. They are nutty and we love them dearly!!

Batman at the park

We had a great time this weekend for a whole 15-20 minutes at the park. The grass was high, lots of mosquitos, and Owen pooped. So it was short but fun as you can see in the pics.

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