Saturday, December 8, 2007

A warm Day in December

We've had a crazy week. The boys have been super picky eaters. It has been a constant struggle at the Cannon Casa. Some days they eat OK and some days nothing seems to be the ticket. They are struggling with our staple of cereal and oatmeal in the mornings and evenings. They also like to "swat" at the food and it goes everywhere. We are trying hard to get them to eat table food. We are making a little progress. Their favorite seems to be french fries. So nutritious. Then last night Owen pulled the Christmas tree down as Scott was leaving for work. Hopefully it scared them enough to leave it alone. We will see. So today it was warm and we got to play outside 2 times. We went strolling and then played ball before Daddy went to work. All things considered we have had a blast. All you can do is laugh it off!!!

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