Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas 2007

This is Christmas 2007 at the Cannon House. the best gift we got was good health!! We all woke up with no sicknesses this year. Thank goodness for that wonderful blessing. We had a blast all Christmas. The boys got so much stuff from family and friends. We appreciate everything and everyone. It is just not a good Christmas without loved ones to share it with. Here are the boys on their rock, roll, and ride tricycles. They are a work in progress.
Scott chillin in the tent. It takes up half the living room. Oh well.
The boys hangin out in their Carolina hats. Scott and the boys all got the same hat. It is to help cheer on the Tarheels.
Owen is riding the zebra. Needless to say the living room was trashed. Owen liked to open presents more than Noah. Scott and I are truly blessed each and every day. The boys always put a smile on our face and make us chuckle everyday. Children are the best gift anyone can ever have. We love you Owen and Noah!!!

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