Thursday, December 27, 2007

MattieBelle's House

It's me and Noah hanging out with the reindeer at MattieBelle's. We went there the night before Christmas Eve and had fun. We confined ourselves to the basement where we could be less destructive.


Here is Owen on his Kawasaki 4 wheeler he got. Boy he sure knew what to do when he got on it. Is that a sign??? I know Daddy would love to get another "Green Machine". They wrecked every body's house that they went to: both grandparents, MattieBelle's and Ninny's. They are little cyclones. I think they liked the paper and bags as much as the gifts. We could have saved a lot of money? Ha!! Ha!! Now we have to figure out what to put where. Its a mess regardless.

Hijacking tractors

At Scott's parents Owen and Noah decided to hijack Christopher's tractor. I guess they were like there are 2 of us and one of you. We can take him. HA!! HA!! Christopher was nice and shared. Thank goodness for that.

Christmas 2007

This is Christmas 2007 at the Cannon House. the best gift we got was good health!! We all woke up with no sicknesses this year. Thank goodness for that wonderful blessing. We had a blast all Christmas. The boys got so much stuff from family and friends. We appreciate everything and everyone. It is just not a good Christmas without loved ones to share it with. Here are the boys on their rock, roll, and ride tricycles. They are a work in progress.
Scott chillin in the tent. It takes up half the living room. Oh well.
The boys hangin out in their Carolina hats. Scott and the boys all got the same hat. It is to help cheer on the Tarheels.
Owen is riding the zebra. Needless to say the living room was trashed. Owen liked to open presents more than Noah. Scott and I are truly blessed each and every day. The boys always put a smile on our face and make us chuckle everyday. Children are the best gift anyone can ever have. We love you Owen and Noah!!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

This was this past weekend. They love to climb and get into everything. The pampers box has many uses: toy box, diaper box, car, or a stool. Nothing like a cheap box for loads of entertainment!! They are looking out the window. It seems just like yesterday they couldn't hardly reach the ledge. They are growing like weeds.

Punk Rocker

This is Noah with the cool do. This is compliments of Daddy.


Check us out. We are going pro hopefully in a few years. HA!! HA!! We have our soccer shirts on and are holding footballs. This was last week when it was so nice out.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

A warm Day in December

We've had a crazy week. The boys have been super picky eaters. It has been a constant struggle at the Cannon Casa. Some days they eat OK and some days nothing seems to be the ticket. They are struggling with our staple of cereal and oatmeal in the mornings and evenings. They also like to "swat" at the food and it goes everywhere. We are trying hard to get them to eat table food. We are making a little progress. Their favorite seems to be french fries. So nutritious. Then last night Owen pulled the Christmas tree down as Scott was leaving for work. Hopefully it scared them enough to leave it alone. We will see. So today it was warm and we got to play outside 2 times. We went strolling and then played ball before Daddy went to work. All things considered we have had a blast. All you can do is laugh it off!!!


As you can tell we love the crayons that we got from Ivy's b-day Party. We have mustaches and everything. Owen can doodle on the walls. Noah just eats the crayons. Life is one big party with these 2 wild things!!!

Fall Leaves

Here we are playing in the leaves. Fall is our favorite time of the year. All we need now is some rain.

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