Friday, April 5, 2013

March 2013

 One of the only warm shorts days we had all month. March was cold and rainy. Plus most of the month we were sick. Everyone but Scott has had the stomach bug, (Noah is finishing up round 2 within 3 weeks), all of us have had horrible allergies, sinus infection and coughs. So we hope after this 1st week of April we will be blessed with some good health!!
 Noah bundled up jumping his bike. Owen and Scott are throwing baseball.
 Brothers acting nutty but sweet.
 We have started baseball at Startown Optimist. They are playing with their best buddy from school-Oskar!! We've only had a few practices and Slam Jam. Our first game is this coming Thursday.
 Walking out on the field at Slam Jam.
. The team. They are the Thunder!!! They may be small but they will be loud.

They got their hair dyed, faces painted and jumped in bouncy houses. They had a good time even though it was cold and dreary. Here's to a great fun season.

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