Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Happy 6th Birthday!!!

 Skateboard cake.. Yum!!

 Noah, Luis, DeMario and Oskar getting ready to play laser tag.
 Owen and Karter
 Noah when he woke up on his birthday...
 Owen on his b-day before school
Party boys!!

On October 13th we had their 6th birthday party at Hickory Dickory Dock. They invited some of their friends from church, school and the neighborhood and we all had a great time. Got to ride bumper cars, play games and even play laser tag. I even played laser tag and it was fun. It was great not to have to clean up. I cannot believe Scott and I have two 6 year olds now. Time is just going too too fast. They are already 6, in kindergarten, playing with friends, doing homework and just becoming big boys. We love them so much and are lucky to be able to spend so much time with them. We see them grow, learn, have fun, morph into their own selves and just make the most of everything. We are so glad the God sent us these 2 amazing boys. Mom and Dad love you O-dog and No-dog!!

1 comment:

Dr. Alfaro said...

We did Hickory Dickory Dock this year, too. Next year Ivy wants an indoor swimming party at the Y. :) Hugs to you and your SIX year olds!


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