Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Happy 6th Birthday!!!

 Skateboard cake.. Yum!!

 Noah, Luis, DeMario and Oskar getting ready to play laser tag.
 Owen and Karter
 Noah when he woke up on his birthday...
 Owen on his b-day before school
Party boys!!

On October 13th we had their 6th birthday party at Hickory Dickory Dock. They invited some of their friends from church, school and the neighborhood and we all had a great time. Got to ride bumper cars, play games and even play laser tag. I even played laser tag and it was fun. It was great not to have to clean up. I cannot believe Scott and I have two 6 year olds now. Time is just going too too fast. They are already 6, in kindergarten, playing with friends, doing homework and just becoming big boys. We love them so much and are lucky to be able to spend so much time with them. We see them grow, learn, have fun, morph into their own selves and just make the most of everything. We are so glad the God sent us these 2 amazing boys. Mom and Dad love you O-dog and No-dog!!

Pumpkin Patch and Octoberfest

 This is so cool.We stopped on the way back from the mountains and got us some pumpkins in Granite Falls and then we went to Octoberfest. We went non stop all day long. They did pass out for a cat nap on the way down the mountain. We were all pooped by the time we got home. The next day we were off the their 6th b-day party. What a weekend!!
 Riding the rides

Fall in NC mountains

 This was our first stop on the parkway. Boy was it windy and cool.

 Noah- he is a little more afraid of heights like his Dad.
 Owen the climber. Not scared of nothing.

 Noah jumping off the playground in Blowing Rock. They ran into a friend from school. How crazy is that?
 Owen in his tux.
 Noah with his Ben Stiller pose from Zoolander and Owen being Owen Wilson of course.
The boys were off for a long weekend for their b-day so on Friday we took off to drive on the parkway with my parents. Had a lot of fun. Drove, played, ate and took tons of pics. Fall is my favorite time of the year. The leaves are beautiful, festivals all around, time with loved ones, birthdays, anniversaries and fun to be had.

Noah's Win


Well 2 weeks ago Noah got his first first place trophy. That kid was so pumped and filled with excitement. Owen got 2nd place. This was after they had a crash on the track but they got up and finished and ultimately won 1st and 2nd place. Go team Cannon!! Owen got some scrapes on his shoulder from digging it in the ground. Noah is fast around the house but he is our jumper and kid that does the tricks while Owen is the racer and fast. They both are so talented on their bikes in so many ways. We are always proud no matter what. Win or lose they are #1 to us.

We also raced this past weekend and had another crash. This time Noah got a scrape on his elbow. It was a tough race... Owen got 3rd and Noah got 4th. Noah was mad.

Monday, October 1, 2012


 Owen not wanting to take his picture but we harassed him anyway.
 Noah and Carter from our neighborhood.
Noah and I think his name was Jared walking.

We went to see them walk last Friday. They acted like they didn't know us. Imagine that. We followed them anyway for a few laps. We got to see a few friends they talk about. We even saw Noah's "girl-friend" Sydney. She is super cute. She is also a blond. They lean towards them.

Early B-day Present

 We surprised them one day after school with these awesome bikes.  They were very surprised. We ordered the real deal from J&R's in Florida. Owen is on the black Fit bike and Owen on the blue Sunday bike. This is their 5th bike and 2nd purchase for this year. We are crazy about bikes!
 Noah jumping and turning his handle bars.
Owen catching some air.

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