Thursday, July 12, 2012

1st Baptist Pre-school Graduation

 All the kids in half and full day care that graduated.
 Owen on the back row b/t the 2 blondes.
 Noah b/t the 2 girls..
 Both grandparents

 Proud parents
 There class...
Chilling on the steps. Noah would not wear his graduation robe for nothing!
I have been meaning to put the pics on the blog for over a month now. They graduated and we were so proud. Just wish it wasn't over so fast. They made some friends none of us will ever forget like Spencer, (their fav), Andrew, and Caitlyn. Lets hope Kindergarten goes this well!! Owen and Noah are excited to start while Scott and I are just DREADING it. Things will never be the same, they will be in school all day 5 days a week. We are not used to that but in less than a month we will have to get over it! Here is to a wonderful first school year and to new roads traveled.

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