Monday, July 30, 2012

South Mountain State Park

 Trying to be like Turtle Man and catch a critter.
 My fav pic of them while there. Looking so sweet.


Saturday we went to South Mtn State park with my parents for a picnic. The boys had a blast. I even caught a tad-pole with a cup. Owen loves the TV show Call of the Wildman= He thinks he is Turtleman and tried to catch a turtle or anything while there. No luck. There was even a wedding right where we were playing. We did leave while they did the ceremony since we tend to be loud and crazy. They swam, played with their trucks and had a wonderful time. Soctt had to work but they want him to go so we can hike too.

More Swim Lesson Pics

The last day was all fun. CHeck out this cool "raft" they built. Noah and Owen really loved going and we hope to go back soon. THe graduated to level 3-Thanks to Garrett and Michael the 2 coolest teachers.


Thursday, July 12, 2012

1st Baptist Pre-school Graduation

 All the kids in half and full day care that graduated.
 Owen on the back row b/t the 2 blondes.
 Noah b/t the 2 girls..
 Both grandparents

 Proud parents
 There class...
Chilling on the steps. Noah would not wear his graduation robe for nothing!
I have been meaning to put the pics on the blog for over a month now. They graduated and we were so proud. Just wish it wasn't over so fast. They made some friends none of us will ever forget like Spencer, (their fav), Andrew, and Caitlyn. Lets hope Kindergarten goes this well!! Owen and Noah are excited to start while Scott and I are just DREADING it. Things will never be the same, they will be in school all day 5 days a week. We are not used to that but in less than a month we will have to get over it! Here is to a wonderful first school year and to new roads traveled.

Valdese Swim Lessons

 Getting ready to get in the pool

 Sitting and listening to the instructors.


This week we started swim lesson at the Valdese Community Center. The boys LOVE it. Scott and I are so glad they do b/c they hated it at LR.  They tell us and show us what they learn. They even said they want to go everyday. I think it is the fact that they have boy teachers.. We have a 20+ minute drive but it is worth it obviously. I even sit there and reminisce about when I worked there. It was my first job almost 20 years ago. I taught tennis lessons and coached the tennis team. Makes me feel old as dirt.  Woo-Hoo.

Scott and the boys

 Father's Day. Dad with the boys on their favorite thing to do: ride bikes.
 Owen and Scott. They have been scared for years and now that he is trying sell it they want to ride. Imagine that..
 Owen and Scott
Muscle Men!! Or bony dudes.

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