Friday, May 25, 2012

Mother's Day

 Hanging with Maw-Maw Barbara's for Amy's graduation and Mother's Day
 Scott and Amy
 Paw Paw James and his new John Deer
 Me and my sweet boys
 Me and Noah
 Me and Owen
 Mom feeding Ninny
 Ninny and all the grand kids and great grand kids
 Karoline, Noah, Owen and Aurora being the Avengers. They loved playing with all the kids at the family gathering on Mother's Day.
My most treasured gift ever. Owen and Noah made this for me at pre-school and Scott got me an ice cream maker. Yum. It was a wonderful Mother's Day this year. I am just lucky and proud to have such great kids and husband that I love and I know that love me. Being a mom especially of twins that are 5 is one tough job but I wouldn't trade it for the world. Owen and Noah drive me nuts some days but they bring so much joy and laughter to my life and it completes me. I am always thankful for my mom for all she has done and given me, my Ninny who used to cook for me every day when I got home form elementary school and my mother-in-law who is wonderful and gave me the man of my dreams. Happy Mother's Day!

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