Sunday, April 15, 2012

New Race Bikes!!

Just got home with our new redline BMX race bikes.

Noah going up to the starting gate. Kid on a mission.

Owen on the track . Can't miss him.

Noah racing. That kid LOVES his bike and to ride.

Owen and his new neon yellow bike

Noah ready to rock.

Crazy Owen

On Monday we got our brand new Redline race bikes in Cornelius at the Cycle Path. Our 4th bikes in 5 years. We were all pumped about this event. Couldn't wait to get home. We did get to stop at Steak & Shake. They did great. These bikes have a hand brakes instead of coaster brakes and are a size up but they had no problems. These bikes are not for everyday riding. Super thin tires which make them fast so we have to be careful and not ride them like our old ones everyday or we will pop te tires. We rode Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and on Thursday we took them to the track at Tanglewood for practice. Tanglewood was crowded but they rode excellent. A kid ran into Noah but nothing major. Hopefully we will be ready to race soon. Scott is still beaming with pride and joy. We are so proud of these 2 wonderful boys and are so glad they love to ride. We all do. So Scott is up next for a new mountain bike. We are keeping the bike industry in business. Especially now that they want another new bike= a new BMX bike or mtn bike to ride all the time. They want hand brakes on all bikes now. They will wait a little but lets be honest not long. (b-day or Christmas)

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