Saturday, March 24, 2012

Rock on party people

Owen is proud of this cool shirt. He is our worst dressed kid 99% of the time. Gets it from hid dad.

Extreme Noah

Noah takes pride in dressing better than his brother. He likes to look good for the ladies I guess. Must work b/c he has a cutie pie girl friend at school named Caitlyn. They both talk about her all the time and she does the same I confirmed today. We have just been enjoying the warm weather, riding, and jumping on the trampoline.

Broke down Dad

Yep, he did it. He went to ride his mtn bike at Brown Mtn and he lost on Monday. Hit a wet root and that was it. The goon didn't call me, drove from there to Hickory to the ER with his left hand and about passed out 2 times in the ER. I opened the garage door and there he was unloading his stuff with a sling. Was I mad? You know I was. Just for the fact he didn't call. He tore a tendon in his shoulder and thanks to the good Lord above he does not need surgery. He has a grade 3 ACJ. It will heal in 6-8 weeks but he is doing a lot better now. So he is banned from Brown Mtn. If I remember correctly he has had to go to the ER before when going there. A stick in his arm or something happened years back. At least he gets out of driving and a few chores. I do know he is one tough stubborn dude that amazes me each day and I love him so much and hope the boys grow up to be just like him. (just minus some of the stubbornness)

Sun & Fun

It has been so warn here we had to break out the sprinkler the other day along with our new swim trunks. We or I have been working on my tan. Bring on the warm weather.

Krispy Cream is always a winner.


Thursday, March 1, 2012

Champs. They got ribbons and trophies. So cool!

Brothers racing.

The starting gate and being smoked by the kid in orange with his fast racing bike and the kid is just like a rocket.

Owen and his ghetto number plate. #718 and Noah below with #720. They get real ones soon.

Owen and Noah had their first race in Winston Salem last Saturday. We were such proud parents. It was a small race which worked out well for us. In their class it was just 3 of them. But they loved it and did so well. It was a cold and windy day but they didn't seem to mind. They had on a shirt, jersey and a sweat shirt. Owen even carried the flag around. What was the big surprise was Owen got 2nd place and Noah 3rd. Never would have guessed that. It is usually the opposite. I guess we will be shopping for some "real" race bikes soon. No matter what they are our little BMX champs.

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