Thursday, December 29, 2011

Early Christmas FUn

Noah after making cookies. This kid LOVES icing. Can ya tell?

Owen and his prize winning cookie.

Flour explosion!! Flour, dough and sprinkles were everywhere.

Vik-Vik was in town. Yippee!!

Partying hard at El Paso with Vikki!!

We did our annual holiday traditions again this year. Making and decorating sugar cookies with hte help of Pillsbury dough. We even left a few for Santa. We got to do all our traditions but do a carriage ride. Scott worked most weekends and the boys were sick some too. We will do it next year.

Also, my best friend Vikki came thru town and we got to see her. Owen and Noah call her Vik Vik.
We were all so glad to see her. We miss her so much. We got to eat at El Paso and hang out for a minute at her hotel where the boys went wild in her cool room. They want to love there. HA! HA!

1 comment:

Dr. Alfaro said...

Jennifer, these are AMAZING Christmas pictures! I LOVE them! I cannot believe how big the boys are getting! We MUST see you - soon!

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